The Sentients are big suits of armor.  There are two spawn places for them.  One of the spawn has four sentients, and the other has six of them.  Each of them has their advantages and disadvantages.  In the four sent spawn, there are numerous roaming mobs so it is hard to solo here because if you accidently get another creature on you, which will happen commonly unless you are extremely careful, then you have to run to the zone or cancel the aggro. Close to the six sent camp, there is a sifaye camp, so this will limit your ability to kite. If you are going to fear kite, then the safest bet would be to pull then North. There are not too many mobs around here that will aggro you. Also, like other forests, your sentient might get stuck at the top of the tree with snare on it, making it unlootable. To avoid this, if your creature is stuck in a tree with snare on, simply have someone cast cancel magic, or any spell from that line, and then wait for the creature to slowly move off of the tree. Then you can kill it. If you are going to regular kite them, be careful not to train anybody. If you are running and you go past a person while kiting, if you de-aggro the sentient, it will go after the person that you past if they are still in the zone. Now, when fighting a sentient, never use poison. They are completely, utterly poison resistant. It is normal magic and ice and high fire resistant. So the best type of spell to use is ice based spells and magic based spells. They have an average of 5000-6000 hit points and can range from level 42-47. People can hunt them at level 59 and still get experience. At level 55 none of them are green. So if you are planning to camp these for gems, they are also great experience if you know what you are doing.