The wyverns are located in Cobalt Scar are a great source of gems for they don’t drop them too rarely and are great experience all the way up to 53 and sometimes even after that. They are blue to a level 47 and hit for around 80-110. You can always find people kiting these because they are great for quad-kiting. It is not hard trying to find 4 all nicely together and they don’t have too much hitpoints, around 3-4k. Be careful not to accidently attack the named dragon who is level 53 but is quite hard to kill. Also around this area are cobalt drakes, which you don’t want to mess with. They hit extremely hard and have a large area effect spell that does a max of 500 damage and strips your buffs. There is also a named cobalt drake which you should stay away from because his aggro range is quite large. If you are going to kite the wyverns which is the best way to kill them, then I suggest pulling them to the beach so you don’t get any more adds. Down here are otters which are indifferently to most people and don’t attack the wyverns. To get down to the beach either cast levitate or Dead Man Floating, then begin to kite. These otters also drop crustacean shell armor.